This is a collection of various tools, both official and unofficial, created for use with ACKS I and ACKS II.
Official Tools[]
Character Creation[]
General Gameplay[]
Domains at War[]
Unofficial/Fan-Made Tools[]
Character Creation, Encounter Generation, Etc.[]
https://chantofwaves.com/acks/tools.html (Generates five sets of character stats using the ACKS I 3d6 method, treasure, hoards, and more)
https://acks-assistant.web.app/app/landing (Generates character stats, random encounters, lairs, treasure, and more)
https://acks-encounter.firebaseapp.com/home#/home (Generates treasure, lairs, encounters, and more)
https://rpg.i-arman.com/spells/index.html (Domain Tracker and Creation tools for custom Spells, Classes, Races, and more)